Threat Assessment Challenges in Schools with Dr. Glenn Lipson Cybertraps 107
Dr. Glenn Lipson, a diplomate in forensic psychology, has spent three decades preventing different forms of violence. He works with the district attorneys, schools, and civil cases where there were claims of abuse by such individuals as the clergy and teachers. As an expert witness, speaker, and advisor, he has testified in court martials, regulatory hearings and submitted briefs through counsel to the United States Supreme Court.
Dr. Lipson founded MRC (Making Right Choices) and the NASDTEC Academy, offering online courses that address interpersonal violence and prevention. As a public speaker, he has presented for the US State Department and US Army. He has received the Doug Bates Award from NASDTEC for his international contribution to making schools safer.
- Glenn's previous podcast episode
- Background on the shooting in Michigan
- Hindsight bias - we can look back and see all the ways they handled it incorrectly.
- Procedures that have been in place.
- Have particular training involved.
- Handbook of threat assessment
- Jim Cawood
- What role does that game play in the formation of someone's identity?
- Coolidge effect- highly stimulating encourages us to continue to engage in that behavior.
- GVRO - Gun Violence Restraining Orders
- People are trained within their area of expertise.
- Trauma-informed schools
- not punitive but facilitative reactions to kids
- NTAC secret service
- Ways to do things that.
- No child is safe if every student is not safe.
- The weapons effect
- Polyvagel theory
- Minister of Loneliness in UK
- The Trevor Project
- If you're not connecting with someone in person, you're going to connect more with people online.
- Simplify and streamline technology
- Save teachers’ time
- Reliably meet Tier 1 standards
- Improve student performance on state assessments