Will Your Costume Cost You Your Career? Cybertraps 88 Halloween Edition

Show Notes Two articles on Cybertraps.com Halloween Costumes Result in the Suspension of 14 Idaho Educators https://www.cybertraps.com/2018/11/04/halloween-costumes-result-in-the-suspension-of–14-idaho-educators/ What Do Pokémon Balls, Pumpkins, and Death Stars Have in Common? Just Google “Baby Bump Costumes”! https://www.cybertraps.com/2016/10/18/what-do-pokemon-balls-pumpkins-and-death-stars-have-in-common-just-google-baby-bump-costumes/ When did Halloween become such a big deal? Blame the 1980s First Amendment – Is dressing up a form of speech? Yes, but same analysis as other types of speech Educators Are Role Models The Role of Social Media All it takes is one photo How well do you know your friends Potentially Problematic Costumes Political commentary Overly sexualized Cultural appropriation Mocking specific groups or an individual Making fun of a tragedy Considerations for Administrators Halloween celebrations and costume parades can put pressure on disadvantaged families Costumes can create division in the school community Impact on the repu Students may feel marginalized or attacked Resources - #2021–10–19 Native American Chief, Anne Frank, And 15 Other Costumes You Should Absolutely Steer Clear Of On Halloween https://www.buzzfeed.com/simrinsingh/problematic-halloween-costumes - #2021–05–29 London principal removed from position after backlash over wearing student’s dreadlocks https://globalnews.ca/news/7905066/london-ont-principal-removed-wearing-dreadlocks/ - #2020–10–31 Two Syracuse school employees put on leave for racist Halloween costumes https://cnycentral.com/news/local/two-syracuse-school-employees-put-on-leave-for-racist-halloween-costumes - #2020–10–30 Political costume nixed at Okay Elementary https://www.muskogeephoenix.com/news/schools/political-costume-nixed-at-okay-elementary/article_f55fe23e–8e76–5822-a2db-d79d49825e0c.html - #2019–11–07 Milpitas blackface teacher admits he made ‘horrible mistake’ https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/11/07/milpitas-blackface-teacher-admits-he-made-horrible-mistake/ - #2019–11–05 A teacher wore blackface to school while dressing up as Common. He’s been suspended. https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2019/11/05/teacher-wore-blackface-school-while-dressing-up-common-hes-been-suspended/ - #2019–11–02 Halloween Costumes and a Facebook Post Upset NHUHSD Community https://kymkemp.com/2019/11/02/halloween-costumes-and-a-facebook-post-upset-nhuhsd-community/ - #2019–05–24 Southern California teachers under fire for dressing up in sombreros and mustaches for yearbook photos https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2019/05/24/southern-california-teachers-under-fire-dressing-up-sombreros-mustaches-yearbook-photos/ - #2019–03–19 Lingering anger over teacher’s Trump-hat Halloween costume fuels racial tensions at top Newark high school https://newark.chalkbeat.org/2019/3/19/21107175/lingering-anger-over-teacher-s-trump-hat-halloween-costume-fuels-racial-tensions-at-top-newark-high - #2019–02–01 Teacher who wore blackface for Bob Marley Halloween costume may get fired https://www.yahoo.com/now/teacher-wore-blackface-bob-marley-halloween-costume-may-get-fired–191526845.html - #2018–10–26 Why has Halloween become so popular among adults? https://theconversation.com/why-has-halloween-become-so-popular-among-adults–104896 - #2018–10–25 Iowa teacher under investigation after wearing blackface to Halloween party https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/413188-iowa-teacher-under-investigation-after-wearing-blackface-to - #2016–11–04 Seattle high school teacher suspended for controversial Halloween costume https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/seattle-high-school-teacher-suspended-for-controversial-halloween-costume/463887455/ - #2014–10–29 In Classrooms, Halloween Costumes Can Raise Sensitive Issues https://www.edweek.org/leadership/in-classrooms-halloween-costumes-can-raise-sensitive-issues/2014/10 - #2014–10–21 10 Days until Halloween: Step Away from the “Indian” Costume https://nativeappropriations.com/2014/10/10-days-until-halloween-step-away-from-the-indian-costume.html

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Will Your Costume Cost You Your Career? Cybertraps 88 Halloween Edition